Should You Get Your Car Tinted in California or Nevada?

Given all the benefits of window films from style to comfort, it’s understandable that you would want to seek out the darkest tint possible. But what’s the darkest legal tint you can get? Before you rev up your engine and head to the tint shop, there's a crucial detail to consider: state-specific regulations. Yep, when it comes to window tints it's not a one-size-fits-all affair. Each state has its own set of rules governing how dark or light your tint can be. So, buckle up as we dive into the distinct worlds of California and Nevada window tinting rules. Before you give your vehicle a cool and shady upgrade, you'll want to know the nitty-gritty. 

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California's Window Tinting Laws

Let's break down the essentials of Golden State's regulations to window tinting laws.

1. Windshield Tint Restrictions

California's window tint laws are quite clear on windshields. While non-reflective tint is allowed on the top 4 inches, anything beyond that is a no-go. Keep this in mind to maintain a clear view of the road.

2. Front Side Windows

For sedans and SUVs alike, front side windows must allow more than 88% of light in, or a minimum of 70% Visible Light Transmission (VLT) if combined with factory-tinted windows. VLT refers to the percentage of visible light passing through your car windows. 

3. Back Side and Rear Windows

The good news? You have more freedom here. Any darkness can be used on the back side and rear windows for both sedans and SUVs, letting you express your personal tinting style.

4. Window Tint Reflection

Window tint isn't just about style—it can also reduce glare. Window tint reflection helps you acquire privacy during the daytime by working as a two-way mirror. ​While you find yourself inside the vehicle you can see without any issue everything outside but for those outside, it will appear as a mirror.

California law allows a certain level of window reflection. Just make sure it doesn't exceed the reflection of a standard window on both front and back side windows.

5. Additional Rules and Regulations

California's window tinting rules have a few more important nuances to consider:

- Side Mirrors: If your rear window is tinted, dual side mirrors are a must to maintain optimal visibility.

- Restricted Colors: Say goodbye to red, amber, or blue tint colors; side windows must be colorless.

- Certificates: Film manufacturers must certify their products, and drivers need to keep the certificate on hand.

- Stickers: State law requires a certificate or a sticker from the installing company, displaying the manufacturer's name and address.

- Medical Exceptions: Good news for those with medical conditions—California allows medical exemptions for lower tint on all windows. Make sure to always carry with you this medical exemption letter to justify your darker tints! 

So, what happens if you don't follow these rules? Violating California’s window tinting laws comes with incremental penalties. The first offense carries a $25 fine and an order to remove the offending tint. However, you could be hit with an infraction and fined up to $197. On the bright side, the state will not deduct points from your driving record for tint violations. 

Nevada's Window Tinting Laws

Moving on, let’s explore the details of Silver State's window tinting regulations.

1. Windshield Tint Restrictions

Non-reflective tint is permitted above the manufacturer’s AS-1 line. usually visible on the glass and about six inches below the top of the windshield roof line, is the cutoff for tint for cars, trucks, SUVs, and vans.

2. Front Side Windows

For sedans and SUVs alike, front side windows must allow more than 35% of light in.

3. Back Side and Rear Windows:

Embrace your tinting style with freedom for the back side and rear windows to use any level of tint shade. 

4. Window Tint Reflection 

No specific reference to reflectivity in the current law.

5. Additional Rules and Regulations

-Side Mirrors: Dual side mirrors are mandatory if your back window is tinted, ensuring optimal visibility.

- Restricted Colors: Vibrant RED and AMBER hues are off-limits for window tinting; stick to other colors for a legal tint job.

- Tint Variance: State laws allow a 7% light transmission tolerance, providing a bit of flexibility.

- Certificates: Film manufacturers must certify their products in Nevada. Confirm that your dealer uses certified film for your tint job.

- Stickers: Unlike some states, Nevada doesn't require a sticker to identify legal tinting. Simply adhere to the laws, and you're good to go.

- Medical Exceptions: Nevada understands that certain medical conditions may necessitate special tint. The state allows medical exemptions for such cases. You will need to have a medical letter from your doctor with the exact specifications of your conditions and the requirements for a darker tint.

Are there any penalties for violating window tint laws in Nevada? Violating Nevada's window tint laws can result in fines. The exact amount of the fine will depend on the specific violation, with window tint tickets costing over $100 even for a first offense. 

Please note: The accuracy, completeness, adequacy, or currency of the info shared in this post is not warranted or guaranteed. The tinting laws and regulations may be interpreted differently in your county or place of residence. We are not lawyers or a law firm and we do not provide legal advice.

Get The Best Window Tint 

In summary, Nevada's window tinting laws provide more flexibility in tint darkness for front-side windows.  The Silver State also offers a simpler process without the need for stickers and doesn't have any specific laws on reflectivity. 

That said, whether you choose California or Nevada, our Kavaca ceramic tint ensures you're riding with the best in style and quality.  Boasting superior heat rejection, unmatched UVA/UVB protection, and optical clarity, Kavaca window films enhance the driving experience without compromising safety.

Beyond its functional advantages, the tint is renowned for its durability, resisting fading, bubbling, and discoloration over time. The film's sleek and elegant appearance contributes to the overall aesthetics of your vehicle. Get in touch and learn why Kavaca is the go-to choice for so many car owners.


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